FCE Finland

Foreign Career Excursion 2024 (FINLAND): information and signing-up

Every year, Earth Science Study Association Utrecht (U.A.V.) organizes an international excursion for about 25 graduate Earth Sciences students to investigate their career prospects and discover which opportunities lie ahead of them. This year, we are delighted to arrange the Foreign Career Excursion to Finland! Our visit will take place from the 15th of April until the 20th of April 2024. The aim of our excursion is to visit a wide range of organizations and companies, to get a better understanding of career prospects abroad.

During the trip, we will visit various (international) companies, meet with Finnish geoscience students and discover the beauty of Finland’s wildnerness in one of its National Parks. Examples of the companies we will visit* are GTK (Finnish geological survey), and Kuva space, which is an interesting company in the branch of Remote Sensing with their projected launch of a hyperspectral satellite in 2024. Additionally, the company Aker Arctic can show us how a Scandanivian country like Finland arranges offshore wind energy in Arctic regions, for example how to deal with extreme (cold) climate conditions. Beside the company visits there will still be plenty of time to discover the Finnish culture in Helsinki, as well as the beautiful surroundings Finland can offer us. *The committee is still working on these, and more company visits so bear in mind they are subject to change.

Logistics and price: the trip will cover 6 days, from the 15th of April until the 20th of April. Our current price indication is €525,- including transport, overnight stay and food.

Are you interested in joining this beautiful trip to Finland? You can sign up by sending an email to fce.utrechtuniversity@gmail.com. Please include a short motivation letter (200-300 words) which includes what motivates you to join his year’s FCE. You can register for this trip if you are a master’s student in the 2023-2024 academic year.

The deadline for submission is 1 januari

If you have any questions regarding the FCE, please don’t hesitate to contact us via email (see above).

We hope to see you in April!

FCE Committee 2024