FEST: Mark Dekkers

Dear staff and students,

On Friday July 5th at 16:00 Mark Dekkers from the Department of Earth Sciences (Fort Hoofddijk) will give his retirement FEST in VJ Koningsberger-COSMOS.

Magnetic recording in rocks – Natural Remanent Magnetization (NRM)
In this FEST I will talk about a perhaps typical coffee break comment: “Dekkers was chairing the mid-term PhD assessment committee for ages, and working with the paleomagnetism group but what was his actual scientific niche?” Very brief answer: my work revolves around (hopefully) properly reading the natural remanent magnetization of all types of rocks to support and verify interpretations of paleomagnetic data collections. This comes with integrating magnetic property, geochemical, and microscopical information with paleomagnetic directions often making use of multivariate statistical approaches. I will illustrate that with some key examples thereby restricting myself to sedimentary rocks (time is not unlimited). The help and expertise of many others has been indispensable in bringing this to fruition: students, PhD candidates, post-docs, and colleagues, whose contributions I gratefully acknowledge.

Drinks will be provided afterwards. Hope to see many of you at the FEST!

Best wishes,

The FEST committee
Barbara, Rosa, Johanna, Niklas, and Frenk