Coming tuesday february 14th, Ruud Schotting en Frits Hilgen will give a lecture in KBG-COSMOS from 17.15-18.15.
You can earn a SAC-point for this lecture!
All you always wanted to know about life as a geoscientist, but were afraid to ask…!
By Frits Hilgen en Ruud Schotting
In this unique UAV event, Dr Frits Hilgen and Prof dr Ruud Schotting are going to share/present interesting, motivating, moving and of course many hilarious stories about their long career as geoscientists.
Although they followed completely different pathways to achieve their professional goals (if any!), they have a lot in common. Examples of issues that will be discussed are e.g. how they got involved in geosciences, (disastrous) fieldwork expeditions, their top contributions to science (in their opinion…), hilarious conference participations abroad, teaching duties, being a faculty member, fraud (by others), publishing papers, how to handle the press and (oral)exams. This could be the best presentation you have never seen before, a real life-as-a-geoscientist- changing-event. Or not of course! You only can tell if you show up…