A new challenge taken on by Boskalis in 2016 was the restoration of marshland in Lake Markermeer in the centre of the Netherlands, a project serving multiple ecological purposes. In the process of building to promote nature, creating a bird sanctuary and recreation area, the innovative use of fine sediment filtered from the surrounding lake simultaneously improves water quality. Morphologist Thomas Vijverberg was Engineering Manager for the Marker Wadden nature reservation for two years. “The design leaders on the project were landscape architects and ecologists,” Thomas explains. “During the construction phase, my job was to evaluate engineering requirements and ensure that our solutions could make it all possible. Land reclamation projects usually use stable sand, relatively predictable in terms of behaviour. We found a way to use the fine sediment, soft mud and clay from the lake as core building materials.”
Dear Members,
On the 9th of April, the company presentation of Royal Boskalis Westminster N.V. will take place. The presentation will be from 17:00 until 18:30 approximately.
Administrating is possible on our website or on the new member portal. On the day itself, you will be admitted to the MS Teams environment. Shortly before the presentation, a link will be distributed. A SAC point can be earned for this presentation.
Boskalis is active in the fields of dredging, offshore energy, and salvaging. Currently, they are helping with salvaging the Evergreen Ship in the Suez canal for example.
Are you interested? Sign up!!