Foreign Career Excursion 2023:
Sultanate of Oman

Every year, Earth Science Study Association Utrecht (U.A.V.) organizes an international excursion for 30 graduate Earth Sciences students to investigate their career prospects and discover which opportunities lie ahead of them. This year, we are delighted to arrange an excursion to the Sultanate of Oman. Our visit will take place late 2023. 

Educated at Utrecht University in the Netherlands, the students’ study interests range across the entire spectrum of Earth Sciences, including hydrology, physical geography, palaeontology, petrology, geology, geophysics, etc. The aim of our excursion is to visit a wide range of organizations and companies, to get a better understanding of career prospects (abroad). 

Whereas Oman is renowned for its large oil and gas industry, the water sector is also of special interest to us. The differences in climate and the nature of water-related challenges between Oman and the Netherlands make for an interesting exchange of knowledge and expertise, enabling synergy between the nations. Regardless of geographic region, innovative solutions for sustainable water management are more urgent than ever to maintain sufficient water resources for the future. 

Our excursion is in light of “the Energy Transition” and thus we are interested in the developments in Oman that are associated with energy and projects that contribute to the transition towards more sustainable energy sources. This theme is also relevant for the water sector as most of the drinking water in Oman is produced through the energy-intensive process of desalination. We are eager to learn about this process and whether solutions to challenges related to drinking water and wastewater have already come about, such as the integration of aqua- and geothermal energy, for instance.

We would be pleased to start a collaboration with your company. We offer several benefits for your organization. Firstly, we provide a group of 30 potential employees or interns, that increase brand awareness and company recognition. Secondly, we can include your company’s logo, information, and job vacancies in our excursion guidebook, which will be presented to all participants and companies we visit, further increasing your exposure. In return, we kindly ask for a financial contribution to ensure our excursion to the Sultanate of Oman will proceed. While we appeal to your generosity, we would be grateful to consolidate our potential collaboration with a company visit, a workshop, a guided tour, or any other type of activity.

We hope you will consider collaborating with us. Feel free to reach out to us using the contact details below. Hopefully, we can achieve a fruitful collaboration!

The Foreign Career Excursion Committee

Earth Sciences Study Association Utrecht | Buys Ballot building, room 2.63 | Princetonplein 5, 3584 CC Utrecht, The Netherlands | E: | W:

Committee members from left to right: Kasper van der Veen, Anna van den Broek, Anke van Grieken, Reinder Hemstra, Luc van Dijk, Elena Gianotten and Roland van der Walle.