The 77th Board of the U.A.V.
Hello everyone! My name is Hilde and I am the Chairwoman of the Utrecht Earth Science Association. I am responsible for the study association and I will ensure that everything goes according to plan. As the board of the U.A.V., we organize a lot of fun activities, company presentations and symposia where we would love to see you!
The Commissioner of External Affairs maintains all external contacts of the association concerning partners and sponsors. Planning career-related activities and the book sales are also part of his duty.
Hi, my name is Sanne and I am a 22 year old and fourth years Earth Sciences student. Within the U.A.V. I fulfill the role of Secretary which means I am respondible for the data of all members. Besides the U.A.V. I like to spend my free time playing games, reading and thinking about my next travels. Furthermore, you can find me in the U.A.V.-room all days of the week so feel free to challenge me to a game.
Hi everyone, I am Ole and I'm the Commisioner of Internal Affairs. I am 21 years old and 4th year student. I grew up in Breda, but I live in Utrecht for a while now. I enjoy playing the tuba and partying with my friends. I hope to see you soon at one of the many activities organized by the U.A.V.!
The Treasurer deals with the financial aspect of the association. Financial matters concerning the association such as the contribution and the accounting for activities are his responsibilty.
The Commissioner of Education is focused on the education-related part of the association. The Commissioner of Education is responsible for the association's tutoring network, for organizing lectures, symposia and the SAC-certificate.