FEST: Dr. Wim Hoek

Dear staff and students,

On Friday the 8th of December at 16:00 Wim Hoek, associate professor at the department of Physical Geography, will give a FEST about:


14,700 years of climate and environmental change recorded in pingo remnants from the Netherlands

Pingo remnants that formed during the end of the Last Glacial due to permafrost degradation are abundant in the Netherlands. Most of these isolated circular depressions are filled with 5-10 meter thick sequences of lake and peat deposits and form a valuable archive of climate and environmental change. Dozens of newly identified pingo fills have been investigated throughout the Netherlands and adjacent Germany together with many students and colleagues. These natural sediment- and pollen-traps record not only the rapid climatic changes during the last Glacial-Interglacial transition but also reveal the Holocene forest development as well as traces of human impact in the surrounding landscape, in some cases at a decadal temporal resolution. Other proxies have been applied including chironomids, isotopes, loss on ignition, geochemistry, which all contribute to a more complete environmental reconstruction dated using, AMS on terrestrial macrofossils and event layers such as tephra horizons.

You can join the talk in KBG-Cosmos or online through our FEST TEAMS channel: https://tinyurl.com/fest-teams-meeting.

Drinks will be provided afterwards in the canteen of the Vening Meinesz.

Hope to see many of you at the FEST!

Best wishes,

The FEST committee